Monday, December 5, 2011


I just made myself a warm bowl of oatmeal with heaps of brown sugar (I have a huge sweet tooth) for lunch and I figured now would be the perfect time to do some blogging. I managed to clean the house a little.. And it always feels good when something is done. I can't wait to be a housewife where I don't have to worry about school or work, and I just stay at home and clean, cook and nurture our babies. I just feel bad that I can't fulfill to my full potential of being a wife by cleaning all the time cause I'm always so busy with school. I'm just glad that I have a husband who helps out with chores when I'm really stressed out or busy doing something else.. it helps to have another pair of hands!

On Friday night we went to an office Christmas party, and it was so much fun! The food was delicious (it was a potluck style and we brought a delicious strawberry salad with pine nuts that were $13 at Target!). We also played a white elephant game.. except all the gifts that were given were really really nice. We wrapped up two books - The Peace giver and The Holy Secret as our gift contributions. You should read these books if you get a chance. They are amazing.

At the end of the game, I think we scored the jackpot!! We got a pre-made gingerbread house kit with icing and candy and the whole 9 yards in it. And then a green cashmere blanket with some hot chocolate. It was quite the win.

Me with our gingerbread house kit!

This week we have lots to do. I need to get groceries (I'm going to make a sweet potatoe and marshmallow casserole tonight! Yep!), pick up my birth control pills, meet with our contractor to give us his bid on our basement, do a tanning session, study study study and study some more for finals! I'm so thankful for my gym know working out is one of the things I look forward too the most at the end of the day. It's such a stress reliever that I am so glad my husband convinced me to start going!

Well, I need to go pick up Alec from school in about 20 minutes. Hope everyone has a great Monday!

Happy holidays :)