Saturday, September 10, 2011

Blogging > Chemistry homework

I am deathly bored (as you can see with the picture below) of doing my chemistry homework. So i figured i would write an entry before Alec gets home from the gym!


This morning i finally used our waffle maker that we got as one of our wedding gifts. This is one awesome appliance! I woke up extra early so i can have breakfast made and ready on our table before Alec had to leave for work. They turned out delicious, if i must say, and Alec agreed too! I love how my husband is so appreciative of what i make for our meals. I know that i definitely dont have the best cooking on the planet (that will hopefully change with practice & time) but Alec loves it and that makes me a happy wifey!

  Oh yea, im going to just add a random photo in here just because i took one, and because its got nothing to do with my blog entry hahaha

Us at the cannon center for lunch on BYU earlier on this week!

Tomorrow is Sunday :) and one of the perks about being married is finally being able to go to a FAMILY WARD! No more singles wards for the both of us *loud cheers* (unless Alec gets called to serve in the bishopric some day haha..) but now we can be in a ward where there are crying babies, youth, other married couples and the elderly! I am excited, this is our first time going to our ward since we've been married, this is going to be great!