Tuesday, November 8, 2011

I don't know what is going on..

but I feel as though I'm becoming... depressed? I can't exactly pin point what has been happening to me. Maybe it's my birth control, and just getting off that 'time of the month' my hormones are just all crazy. I've been crying myself to sleep every night for the last four or five days and every small disagreement (yes I hate to admit that we aren't perfect) Alec and I have, I just burst out into tears. And there are other things but.. no, this isn't cool.

As Mick Jagger would say it during the Altamont Speedway concert back in 19-something I "need to get it together".

But on a happier note, I invited myself onto pinterest, and my gosh it is great! I have to be careful, it's quite addicting :)